Revolution College Scholarships


As part of our “Sustainable Communities Program”, we are announcing our 2023 scholarship programs for employees and their children and grandchildren. There will be 5 scholarships awarded to offset the cost of college education. Each scholarship will be in the amount of $5,000 and will be tax free to the winners.

These scholarships will be based on academic merit and financial need. The winners will be selected by an independent committee of judges from outside of Revolution.
Here are the details.

Purpose of Scholarship

To provide financial assistance to Revolution employees and their children/grandchildren who are interested in pursuing higher education.


Students who meet the following criteria are eligible for the scholarship.
• Be a regular employee OR child/grandchild of a regular employee. Children of Revolution Executives (VP and higher) are not eligible to participate.
• Have a minimum GPA of 3.25 for their most recent full academic year.
• Be enrolled as a senior in or graduated from a full-time high school or has obtained their US GED at the time of application.
• Be enrolled full-time as a college student at the undergraduate or graduate level. Students enrolled in a professional certification program of at least 1 year in length are also eligible .

Application Process

Application materials must be received by April 30 2023, in order to be considered. You can get an application from your HR representative. Send in your application to:
Revolution In The Community - Scholarship Application
c/o Scott Smith
8801 Frazier Pike, Little Rock, AR 72206
(please mention Scholarship in the subject line of the email)