7 Pieces of Bad Career Advice                                                            Women Should Ignore






By McKinsey & Company

2023 Women in the Workplace Report

Women in the Workplace is the largest study on the state of women incorporate America. For more information, please find download of report here and overall website Link.

Women in the Workplace es el mayor estudio sobre la situación de la mujer en América corporativa.

Para obtener más información, encuentre la descarga del informe aquí y el enlace general al sitio web.


Women in Workforce
December 14, 2023

Year End Event / evento de fin de año

For information on this event and others, click link below. 


Para obtener información sobre este evento y otros, haga clic en el enlace a continuación.



Barbara Reiss
Reading with revolution

Welcome to our Book Club!

We are excited to launch our new book club.  If you are interested in reading any of these, simply click the Request a Book button below and let us know which one and where you would like it shipped.   Revolution will be paying for the costs of the book and shipping to you.  All we ask is once complete, you let us know and we can plan where it goes next.  All that info will be sent with each book check out to help make this a smooth and easy process.  Happy reading!:)

Bienvenida a nuestro club de lectura
Estamos emocionados de lanzar nuestro nuevo club de lectura. Si está interesado en leer alguno de estos, simplemente haga clic en el botón Solicitar un libro a continuación y háganos saber cuál y dónde le gustaría que se lo enviara. Revolution pagará los costos del libro y el envío. Todo lo que pedimos es que, una vez que esté completo, nos lo comunique y podamos planificar el siguiente paso. Toda esa información se enviará con cada préstamo de libros para ayudar a que este sea un proceso sencillo y sin problemas. ¡Feliz lectura!:)

Book Image


It’s the great paradox of the digital age, what Radha Agrawal calls “community confusion” - the Internet connects us to hundreds, thousands, even millions of people, and yet we feel more isolated than ever, with one in four Americans saying they have zero friends to confide in. Where are our people? The answer is found in Belong, a highly energetic guide to discovering where and with whom you fit in a two-step process. 


Dolly Parton, Songteller: My Life in Lyrics 

A landmark celebration of the remarkable life and career of a country music and pop culture legend.  As told by Dolly Parton in her own inimitable words, explore the songs that have defined her journey. Illustrated throughout with previously unpublished images from Dolly Parton's personal and business archives.

HBR Book-Women at Work

Harvard Business Review-Women at Work (English)

Guide to help you identify and overcome the factors that are holding you back. It provides practical tips and advice so you can face gender stereotypes head-on, make yourself visible when opportunities arise, and demonstrate your leadership skills.

That's What She Said-Wise Words from Influential Women (English)

Thats What She Said-Wise Words from Influential Women

Celebrating a powerful and diverse group of over fifty women—from Maya Angelou, Gloria Steinem, and Virginia Woolf to Sojourner Truth, Malala Yousafzai, and Ruth Bader Ginsbuand it empowers current and future generations to find their voices and inspire change in their communities. 

Paola Book

LA HISTORIA QUE TE CUENTAS: Cómo contarte una historia de éxito

La historia que te cuentas no es un libro más de autoayuda. Es un libro de empoderamiento y descubrimiento personal que te llevará a un viaje hacia el interior para contarte y vivir la historia que te mereces. La que tú decidas crear.

Mujeres Ponderoses

Mujeres poderosas

Pioneras, luchadoras, astutas... Déjate inspirar por las mujeres más influyentes de la historia.En la experiencia personal de estas mujeres y sus frases más célebres podrás encontrar un espacio de sororidad con mujeres de diferentes ámbitos de todo el mundo para dar con una solución a tus inquietudes.


Coming Together on our Path Forward

icon excellence

Setting Goals for the Group

We thank everyone for their ideas so far on this group and look forward to additional input.

icon integrity

Supporting Each Other

Determine best ways to connect with all of our team through this website and social media.

icon collaboration


Ensuring we set meetings that all of our team can be a part of regardless of language, position and time of work.

March 8, 2023

International Women's Day

A global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of  women.  This year's theme is #BreakTheBias. Imagine a gender equal world.  A world that's diverse, equitable, and inclusive. A world where difference is valued and celebrated. Together we can forge women's equality.

Click here to send a message of celebration of someone at Revolution today.




Words of Affirmation from the Revolution Team


To the Team

Happy International Women's Day -we appreciate you all 


Stephanie Mallette

You inspire with your leadership and dedication.


Tiffany Morris

Thank you for all you do to keep us organized.


Angela Jett

Angela works with all departments and provides great service with a smile. She is always the first to volunteer to help others or the company.  She relates well to all types of people and is confident in who she is. She makes this a better place to work through her individual contributions!


Kristen Caldwell

She pushes me to be a better manager with her inquisitive nature and challenging the status quo. Her patience and grace shows through in all that she does. 


Amy Smith

Tenacious, a leader and amazing with customers.


Kristen Houston

Incredibly helpful and patience.


Mandy Hanson

Thank you for always wanting to help and support others.


Tessa Conrad

A tremendous spirit of strength and care for others.


Brandy Crowthers

She is awesome!


Tamara Everhart

Thank you for help with the tickets and tally’s.


Teresa Hargis

I would like to celebrate Teresa for being friendly and always willing to help.


Rachel Gilbert

Very helpful and helps out when the floaters are busy.


Rachel Leslie

She is always available and willing to help.


Hannah Karpov

 You are woman to admire. You are so down to earth and easy to get along with. We need more women in manufacturing and I’m happy you are a part of the team.  You are a great leader and a wonderful colleague! We are very fortunate to have you and your skillset at Revolution.


April Henry

April is always there to help. Even though she is busy every minute of the day she never puts you to the side. She has a great sense of humor and treats you like a friend. She builds relationships with everyone and really gets to know who you are. She is very supportive and understanding and she really does care.


Cherish Changala

Always shown me such kindness while also being a mentor and advocate for me.

Supporting Women in our Communities

Revolution in the Community is proud to announce our first community donation of $500 to Mercy Manor.

Mercy Manor provides a safe and loving environment for individuals facing crisis pregnancy by offering positive solutions through resources and local professionals to meet physical, emotional, and spiritual needs.  Thank you to Jennifer Hawthorne and the Kilgore team for all you do to support this organization.


Mery Manor

News & Events

“We all should know that diversity makes for a rich tapestry, and we must understand that all the threads of the tapestry are equal in value no matter what their color.”

― Maya Angelou