December 2023

Changing World Requires an Evolving You with Brenda/ Un mundo cambiante requiere una evolución con Brenda Reiss

  • Embracing Change
  • Letting Go of Resentment
  • Building Resilience
  • A Path to Unity


  • Abrazando el cambio
  • Dejar ir el resentimiento
  • Construyendo resiliencia


October 9, 2023

Balancing Home & Work Life

Our team members share what it means to balance home and work life for them. The challenging days, the inspiring days and everything in between. Also the team gives a sneak peak on upcoming benefits as it relates to pregnancy.

Únase a nosotros mientras los miembros de nuestro equipo comparten lo que significa para ellos equilibrar la vida familiar y laboral. Se explorarán los días desafiantes, los días inspiradores y todo lo demás. También el equipo dará un chivato pico sobre los próximos beneficios en lo que se refiere al embarazo.

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March 2023

Breaking the Mold / Rompiendo el mo

Learning how to find your voice in your own time and way.  A heartfelt journey of hope and strength from Jennifer Hawthorne.

Aprender a encontrar tu voz en tu propio tiempo y manera. Un viaje sincero de esperanza y fortaleza de Jennifer Hawthorne.

December 2022

Leading with Confidence in the New Year

Barbara Beggs joins our ERG-Women's meet to discuss with us how we can lead with confidence in the new year!

¡Barbara Beggs se une a nuestra reunión ERG-Mujeres para discutir con nosotros cómo podemos liderar con confianza en el nuevo año!

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June 2022

Harassment in the Workplace

Join us as we discuss the important topic of Harassment & Discrimination in the Workplace-Empowering Action with Tammy Rucker and how together we support an environment where all voices are heard and valued.

Únase a nosotros mientras discutimos este importante tema con Tammy y cómo juntos podemos garantizar una cultura de trabajo saludable a través del empoderamiento de todos voces.​

Womens ERG Group June 2022
December 2021

Planning for the New Year

With 2022 around the corner, we’ll come together to discuss ways to plan and prepare for the upcoming year, and hear from some of our team’s most on-the-ball members to learn more about how they successfully manage their schedules, projects and family life.

Snip for Video Dec 21
September 2021

Learning From and Inspiring Each Other

Join us as we hear from three Women at Revolution that have found their own personal success through courage, focus and mentorship.

Women ERG Update